NC Bylaws

Nordisk Club of Geneva statutes

Sect.1 Membership

The Nordisk Club of Geneva (NC) is a non-political and non-profit association formed by people primarily originating from the Nordic/ Baltic countries (Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway, Sweden, Latvia, Lithuania and Estonia) that are domiciled in Suisse Romand area or in the vicinity on a temporary or permanent basis.

Other people having connections with Nordic countries or showing a particular interest for the region, will be able, by the decision of the Club Board, to become member of the NC.

The General Assembly can nominate, at the suggestion of the Board, honorary members and honorary board members.

Honorary Board Member:

  • Senior Nordic with a broad network in Switzerland, that can contribute to the Board with his/hers rich experience
  • Should promote the Club on the appropriate occasions
  • Should have an advisory function, in particular in the high pressure situations
  • Should participate at least once a year at the Board meeting or GA
  • Election is for one year

Honorary member:

  • Former Presidents (limitless time)
  • Nordics with rich experience, network and other contribution (defined time)

The NC members list (in any form) is an exclusive propriety of the Club. It is not allowed to be abused or exposed outside the NCs determined activities. Board members of similar oganizations not to be included in the NC mailing list in order to protect the Club’s confidentiality (exception cases to be reviewed by the Board). The list to be coordinated primarily between e-mail master, treasurer and the president, and when necessary shared with other members after president approval.

Sect. 2 Goal

The goal of the Club is to encourage social and cultural events for its members and to set up a link between its members and Nordic people who are domiciled or visiting Switzerland and/or France.

Sect. 3 The NC Board

The Board should consist of 4-10 members, and if possible, by two representatives from each Nordic country.

The elections of the Board members occurs on the basis of the alphabetic order of all the candidates from each country, willing to accept a mandate. This list is established by the Board and can be completed by possible proposals sent by the members and/or oraly made to the General Assembly.

The president is elected by the General Assembly and must preferably be of a different nationality for each period. Other Board functions: Vice-president, Treasurer, Events Officers, Web Officer. All the members of the Board are re-eligible at the expiration of their functions.

The former NC Honorary/ Board members are not allowed to take a Board membership in a similar organization for at least one year after their resignation from the Club.


  • is an ordinary director of the Club
  • is an official representative of the Club
  • has the responsibility to convene Committees meeting
  • has the responsibility to present the annual report for the General Assembly
  • in charge of the newsletters

The Vice-president has the responsbilities of the President when the latter cannot be present.


  • must carry out the minutes of the Committee’s meeting and send them to members of the Committee
  • is responsible of the Clubs correspondence


  • controls the membership fees
  • in charge of the members register
  • manages the Club’s income
  • presents the account review
  • reports to the president

Sect. 4 Right of signature

The President and the Treasurer both have the right to sign in the name of the Club.

Art. 5 Board Meetings

The President convenes the members of the Board to ordinary meetings.

The Board convenes the quorum when the President and/or the Vice-president and at least two other members of the Board are present.

The Board comes to all decisions with simple majority. If votes are equaled, the voice of the President counted twice.

Art. 6 Revision

If available, the General Assembly elects two account auditors.

The Treasurer will have to hand in the account closings to auditors and the president for their revision.

The account audit report is presented to the General Assembly.

If the Club obtained a gain, it must be used for the management of the Club and/or to extend the activities of the Club.

Art. 7 General Assembly

The Ordinary General Assembly will occured between January 10 and February 15.

The convocation must be sent to members at the latest 10 working days before the meeting.

The General Assembly agenda should consist of:

  • Approval of the convocation
  • Agenda approval
  • Election of the president and the secretary of the General Assembly
  • Presentation of the annual report
  • Presentation of the account audition report
  • Approval of account
  • Determination of membership fees
  • Budget
  • Activities presented by the Board
  • Activities presented by the members and that are already presented by the Committee at least eight days previously
  • Election of the members of the Board
  • Strategy and agenda/planning for the new year

Each year’s Club strategy is to be defined at the GA meeting by the new elected Board and can be completed under the year.

Art. 8 Extraordinary General Assembly

The Board has to convene members of the Extraordinary General Assembly if at least ten members asked for it in writing.

The convocation of members must be sent at latest 10 working days before the meeting.

The request and the convocation must contain the agenda of the Extraordinary General Assembly.

Art. 9 Membership fees

The membership fee agreement is done at the General Assembly.

The committee must propose membership fees, possibly with a differentiation according to the membership levels (family, student, etc.).

Membership fee can be paid either electronically or at a post office. The membership of the precedent year stays valid until the same time limit.

Sponsorship fees are to be defined case by case depending on the size of the company and to be valid for a period of one year.

Art.10 Modification of the Statutes

The present statutes can be modified by the General Assembly, with a majority of 2/3, provided that the modification proposals reached to the president of the Board by a registered letter at least 6 weeks before the General Assembly and, it would be notified to the members at the time of the General Assembly convocation.

Art. 11 Dissolution of the Nordisk Club of Geneva

The Nordisk Club of Geneva could be dissolved by vote of the General Assembly in the same conditions that the ones provided at the section 10.

In case of dissolution, the assets of Nordisk Club of Geneva will be paid-up, after the sale of the equipment to the highest bidder, to a non-political and non-profit organisation, chosen by the General Assembly.


The revised statutes are adopted at the General Assembly of the Nordisk Club January 27, 2010